I heard about several things, but nothing "breakthrough" that I had never seen before. The biggest "buzz" topics, in my opinion were:
- online learning, using moodle/blackboard with the classroom instruction. Cited.org
- 1:1 computing, giving every student netbooks or macbooks to use for school instead of textbooks.
- Google wave. Some people were saying that this is the next facebook. I was able to score myself an invite to wave, so I should be waving by the end of the day :)
- Finally, just using all the tools that are already there in a more effective and efficient way. The two Keynotes were exceptional, Frans Johannsen (book link) and Marc Antonio Torres [website]. Both spoke about being innovative and allowing students to be PRODUCERS of information instead of consumers of information.
Overall, I feel like we are in a very exciting place in Sioux City. The next 3- 4 years, implementing new technology, new buildings and differentiated instruction will prove to create huge learning opportunities for students and for adults!
Awesome Presentation Tool: http://prezi.com/
Amazing Timeline Creation Tool: http://timeglider.com/
Impressive FREE photo editor: http://aviary.com/
Another Free Image editor: http://splashup.com/
Another cool Presentation/tutorial tool: http://voicethread.com/
Easy YOUTUBE downloader:
This is the easiest Youtube converter ever! Now you can convert and embed Youtube videos by simply :1. Typing a word (Kick)Change this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gmP4nk0EOE
To this... http://www.kickyoutube.com/watch?v=6gmP4nk0EOE2.
Left clicking on a word (Go) Upper right corner.
Right clicking on a word (Download) and it will save that video to your desktop! Sweet!
I also still use Zamzar, because it emails me and I like email. :)
Google Gadget called Motion Chart: [link]
Make Word Clouds from any document or spreadsheet: http://wordle.net/
Animate in videos while you watch them : http://videoant.com/
I love http://delicious.com/ and I openly share my bookmarks this way: http://delicious.com/hennl check me out!!
http://ning.com/ This is an amazing networking tool and we just conducted an online meeting through the chat portion. Wasn't ideal, but it worked.
http://dimdim.com/ and adobe connect now are two online meeting sites that are free. I think dimdim allows for 20 free and connect now is only 2 or 3.
Google Voice and Google Wave - look these up, they are cool!!
Google Books is an amazing tool that is just going to get better: http://books.google.com/books
Okay, I better quit now. Gotta save some stuff for future posts!
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